21st December 2024

Search Market Bosworth Parish Council

Market Bosworth Parish Council Serving the people of Far Coton and Market Bosworth

Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan

The Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan contains a vision of the future of Market Bosworth, objectives, aspirations and a set of planning policies. The Plan was adopted at referendum in September 2015. A minor review was undertaken in 2020 and public consultation on a major review of the Plan is currently underway.

More details of the Plan, progress to date and review can also be found on the Parish Council's Bosworth Vision website and on Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's website

The review has been led by a working party of the Parish Council, the Bosworth Vision Planning Group. The Terms of Reference for the group are below, along with the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan as adopted in 2015.

Progress on the modification of the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan

Minor review

In 2020 a review was undertaken of how well the Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions and whether it accords with national planning policy and the Borough Council's Local Plan. It was concluded that no updates were necessary other than publishing the housing needs assessment of July 2020 which will be an important material consideration in applying the housing policies of the plan.

Major review

The Parish Council has now embarked on what is termed a 'major' review of the Neighbourhood Plan. Since the designation of the previous neighbourhood plan area, the parish boundary has been amended because of a Community Governance Review in 2015. As part of the neighbourhood plan review, the Parish Council applied for the designated neighbourhood area to follow the current parish boundary of Market Bosworth. The old neighbourhood area has been de-designated and the amended neighbourhood area has been designated.

The re-designated area becomes the Neighbourhood Plan Area in the Modified Neighbourhood Plan.

Also as part of the review of the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan, a Community Drop-in Event was held in October 2021 followed by a Stakeholder Consultation Event in November 2021.

A Draft Modified Neighbourhood Plan has now been produced for the Plan Period 2020 - 2039 to align with the Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan and to bring it in line with current planning guidelines and ensure it is robust in terms of planning requirements as it is more than two years old. This modified version updates the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan which was made in 2015 and subsequently had a minor update.

Apart from the change in timeframe and ensuring that the Plan conforms to the latest version of all the policy and planning documents, the modifications are relatively slight, though the layout and appearance have changed.

There are no changes to the Vision, Aims or Objectives of the Plan but some policies have been slightly modified and there are some additional policies to reflect today's world.

The Parish Council believes that the material changes proposed to the Neighbourhood Plan are not considered so significant or substantial as to change the nature of the Made Plan. The Inspector will decide whether the Plan can, with further adoption of his comments, be 'made', or whether it will be required to go to referendum.

Regulation 14 Consultation

The modified Plan commenced the Regulation 14 Consultation on 1 September 2023. The consultation concluded on 16 October 2023.

Regulation 16 Consultation

Market Bosworth Modified Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16

Following the Regulation 14 consultation in September 2023, the Market Bosworth Modified Neighbourhood Plan (MBNP) was further amended to take account of consultation feedback. The final version (Regulation 15 Submission) was submitted to Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council in May 2024 for the Council to take the Plan forward to Regulation 16 Consultation.

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council formally accepted the Market Bosworth Modified Neighbourhood Plan (Regulation 15 Submission) on 19 August 2024 for Regulation 16 Consultation and examination.

In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council is publicising the Market Bosworth Modified Neighbourhood Plan for consultation from 09:00 Friday 13 September - 17:00 Friday 08 November 2024. Representations received under Regulation 16 regarding the Plan proposal will be forwarded to an appointed Examiner who will assess the Plan proposal and supporting documents against the basic conditions.

Submission documents are detailed below.

Neighbourhood Plan Policy Documents

The Basic Conditions Statement demonstrates:

- Assessment of how each policy in the Market Bosworth Neighbourhood Plan has regard to the National Planning Policy Framework (2023)

- General Conformity with the Strategic Policies of the Adopted Local Plan

- General Conformity with the Strategic Policies of the Emerging Local Plan

- How the Polices of the MBNP contribute to the Achievement of Sustainable Development

- Compatibility with EU obligations and legislation

- Prescribed Matters

Neighbourhood Plan Background and Evidence Documents

The publication period of the plan proposal is between 09:00 Friday 13 September - 17:00 Friday 25 October 2024. During this period the Plan proposal and other supporting documents can be inspected through the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's website and at the following locations:

  • Hinckley Hub, Rugby Road, Hinckley, Leics, LE10 0FR
  • Market Bosworth Parish Council Office, Parish Hall, Park Street, Market Bosworth, CV13 0LL
  • Market Bosworth Community Library, Station Road, Market Bosworth, CV13 0JS

Comments can be made through Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council's portal where the consultation will be live from 13 September 2024.

Comments can also be submitted by email or post:

Comments can only be accepted in writing (including electronic such as email) provided that a name and address is supplied. Anonymous comments and comments submitted after the publication period stated above will not be accepted.

Last updated: Tue, 01 Oct 2024 09:32